Our Animals…
Our Berkshire Pigs
Miss Piggy and Babe
The Berkshire breed also known as the ‘Lady’s pig’ is an excellent starter pig. The breed is also one of the oldest, with some suggesting that records of its existence stretch right back to mid 17th Century. The Berkshire is the oldest recorded pedigree pig breed in Britain. It is normally black, with some white on the snout, on the lower legs, and on the tip of the tail. It was the first breed to record pedigrees in herd books It is black with six white markings: four white socks, a white splash on the snout, and a white tip to the tail.
Miss piggy and Babe are our Berkshire pigs, with Miss Piggy being a pedigree and mum to Babe. Though our piglets are friendly, due to their size, students do not go into the pig pens. Students are allowed to feed the pigs, and you couldn’t forget with how noisy they are in the morning!
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