Come meet the students…

Our Students

Each student is individually assessed for the level of care and supervision they require by our trained staff so that they can benefit as much as possible from the facilities available.

Students can choose to attend one to five sessions per week and will attend on a regular basis.

Laineys Care Farm is open Monday – Friday 10-3 all year around, except Bank holidays and Christmas Eve


  • Students need to bring their own packed lunch (containing no nuts) clearly labelled
  • Be wearing clothing suitable for the weather
  • Steel toe capped boots
  • Sun cream applied before arrival in the warmer months – LCF staff will assist to top up at lunchtime
  • Spare clothes in a bag
  • Sun cap or warm hat – weather dependent
  • Own specialist drinks / milks- regular tea, coffee, milk is provided at Laineys Care Farm
  • Laineys Care Farm clothing is NOT mandatory if you would like to order please see order form